“…how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house” (Acts 20:20).
We believe that Sunday morning worship is a time (to borrow from John Piper) when we “go hard after God.” We worship together as one fellowship, hearing the Word, giving our testimonies and our offerings, and singing praises to the One who is King and Lord.
Midweek “Home Groups” are a time for us to “go hard after each other!” We seek to do the “one anothers” that are so plentiful in Scripture: pray for one another, exhort one another, and love one another with the love of Christ.
Each Home Group is led by two or three men who have been chosen by the elders because of their spiritual maturity, their knowledge of the Word, and their commitment to building up the saints. The home group leaders meet with the Elders once a month for training, encouragement, prayer, and accountability.
The Home Groups meet once a week on Wednesdays for singing, Bible Study or discussion probing deeper into the most recent sermon, prayer, and fellowship. Every 6 weeks or so, the whole body comes together on a Wednesday night for several reasons: to give the host families a much-needed break, to share a special teaching that the elders want the whole fellowship to hear, to enjoy a special concert, to hear a missionary report, to have a time of concentrated corporate prayer for a need in the body, or maybe just to have fun at the park playing volleyball!
Review locations below and contact the leader to get involved. Or call the church today to get more information 336-586-0997.